Saturday, June 15, 2013

67th Annual Stommish - Week of the Warrior
In 1946 the Lummi created a celebration to welcome home their Veterans returning from World War II. They traveled throughout Puget Sound and into Canada and Vancouver Island inviting all the Tribes. The celebration is called Stommish - Week of the Warrior.
Canoe racing is the traditional event of Stommish.
Barbecued salmon dinner is prepared for everyone.

be strong, be safe, Carlan

Monday, June 3, 2013

A Proud Performance

"What About Those Promises" opened to an audience of over 850 people.  Many had to be turned away.

It was an evening filled with tears and joy as stories were shared.

A standing ovation filled the theater at the conclusion of this memorable evening.

be strong, be safe, Carlan

Saturday, June 1, 2013

What About Those Promises?

Tonight the Lummi Tribe is presenting a play in Bellingham WA. The play is to share their history and concerns about the proposal for the Cherry Point coal terminal.  I have been documenting rehearsals and will document the play.  The tribal members in the play are not actors.  They are elders, fishermen, weavers, clam diggers, sea lion hunters, berry pickers and children.
Tom Sampson, Coast Salish and descendent of Chief Joseph shares the creation story

be strong, be safe, Carlan