Friday, December 19, 2014

Nicaragua 2015
In conjunction with the Santa Fe Workshops, please join Morgan Smith and I in Nicaragua for one of those rare workshops where you'll have the opportunity to share in a rich, authentic culture unspoiled by tourism, and landscape guaranteed to take your breath away.

I first traveled to Nicaragua in 2009 for an educational NGO.  Not only did I fall in love with colonial town of Granada, I found myself taken in by the exceptionally friendly community whose focus, despite limited means, are family, home and tradition.

One of the most rewarding aspects of this trip is the access our group will have to NGOs that provide support to locals in need. Visits to a barrio shelter, a veterinary clinic, and a program that feeds street children are included.  A portion of proceeds from our trip will be donated to these charities.  To experience the spirit of Nicaragua please view my short photo essay at: 

For more information contact: Santa Fe Workshops:

 be strong, be safe, Carlan

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Living and Dying in the Ashes: has published a powerful story on our Bokoshe, OK work.  Read it here

be strong, be safe, Carlan