Wednesday, May 30, 2018

 Eleven Most Endangered Places
The Greater Chaco Landscape includes Chaco Culture National Historical Park and many cultural sacred sites in the surrounding landscape that are affiliated with Chaco.  Over the years, the BLM has leased more than 90 percent of its managed landscape for oil and gas development.  In 2011 The National Trust for Historic Preservation designated the Greater Chaco Landscape as one of the nation's "Eleven Most Endangered Places".

Forty miles north of Chaco near the Great North Road a Sacred Site is surrounded by the industrialization of the landscape. Last week Nancy and I documented this Sacred Site and the Greater Chaco Landscape surrounding it.  The landscape is fragile.  The threat is real.  Photographs are stronger than words...

be strong, be safe, Carlan

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Meet John Wayne...yes, really!
Yes, his real name is John Wayne.  He is a "real deal" cattle wrangler working on ranches here in New Mexico.  The Southwest is filled with so many incredible real individuals. I am teaching a photography workshop at the Santa Fe Photography Workshops coming up on July 8 - 13, 2018.  It's all about making real portraits of individuals like John Wayne who make up the true character of the American Southwest.

This workshop goes beyond cowboy portraits to explore and discover the iconic western portrait in its many faces. Each day, we photograph on location to document the many different characters that make up New Mexico.  We learn to see, express, and create meaningful portraits which reflect the individuals of the Southwest.  Light, location, and moment become our daily tools.

Join me in Santa Fe for an exciting week of making Portraits of the American Southwest.  You can follow this link for more information and to signup. Santa Fe Photographic Workshops.

Look forward to our paths meeting in Santa Fe.

be strong, be safe, Carlan