Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Great North Road
The Chacoans built elaborate road systems covering over 1,500 miles.  Most of the roads connected to Chaco Canyon.  The Great North Road leads from Chaco Canyon to Kutz Canyon.  To the Puebloans a road is a type of altar, a channel for the life's breath, and to travel the straight road to the center place is to strive for equilibrium.

Approaching Kutz Canyon the North Road becomes a narrow corridor crossing a private commercial fracking fluid soil recovery farm.  The North Road is criss-crossed with bulldozed roads for fracking soil trucks.  Surrounded by the fracking fluid soil recovery fields Arena Alto Great House is several hundred yards from Kutz Canyon adjacent to the North Road.  This sacred site's great kiva was recently bulldozed by road construction.

The North Road is more tha a guide or corridor linking Chacoan Great Houses and features.  It is a map to a lifeway, it holds the stories of the Chaco civilization. 

 Click here to view the North Road at Kutz Canyon. 

be strong, be safe, Carlan

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Soaring Like Eagles
Pierre's Chacoan Outlier
In the Native American culture eagles are honored with great care and shown the deepest respect. They represent honesty, truth, majesty, strength, courage, wisdom, power and freedom.  

The view from above has always held a special feeling for me.  Freedom of flight.  No longer constrained to your feet.  Spent quite a bit of time over the years making photographs from helicopters and fixed wing planes.  Remember every moment of it.  Loved every moment of it.  This past August received my FAA Remote Pilots License.  Certified to soar like eagles.  Working on the soaring.  

The Greater Chaco Landscape Project incorporates an aerial perspective.  Documenting sacred sites that are effected by the industrialization of the surrounding landscape.  Work which represents honesty, truth, strength, and wisdom.  Work which carries the deepest respect.  With over 10,000 new oil and gas leases proposed for the Greater Chaco Landscape, there is much work to be done.  Help become a part of this important work.

be strong, be safe, Carlan