Saturday, May 31, 2014

Putting Light and Life Into Your Photographs
Have you ever heard photographers say, "I don't use flash, I only shoot available light"?  Maybe that actually translates to "I don't have a clue about using flash with my camera".  Or, "how does this thing work and when in the world would I want to use it"? Sound familiar?  If it does, I may have  just what you are looking for.

On July 19 - 20 I am teaching a Flash Intensive Workshop at the Santa Fe Workshops.  In two days we learn to take the mystery out of using flash. Adding light and life to our photographs without the "look" of flash.  Beginning with on camera flash and quickly moving to speed lights we learn to soften, diffuse, bent, direct, shape, and otherwise control the light we add to our photographs.  Shooting outside in bright sun light?  Maybe you need just a touch of additional light to put life into your photograph.  We will learn to do that.  TTL, iTTL, TTL BL, manual, remote, commander, we cover it all.  All along the way making it easy to understand and use creatively.

Flash intensive.  That is what this workshop is all about.  In two days you may actually hear your self-mumble, "wow…this flash thing is pretty cool"!  Let's get together for this exciting, fun, and informative workshop.   Look forward to seeing you there!

be strong, be safe, Carlan

China Express Rolls Into Pittsburgh June 6 - 15
The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust will exhibit the China Express during the Three Rivers Art Festival.  Opening reception June 6 5 - 7 p.m.  Artist talk June 7 12 p.m.  Trust Arts Education Center, 3rd floor, 805-807 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh.  Please stop by if you are in the area. Would love to see everyone!

be strong, be safe, Carlan

Sunday, May 11, 2014

China Express at the Lummi Nation
There are moments in our lives which are sometimes hard to express in words.  The China Express exhibit at the Lummi Nation this past week held one of those very special moments for me.
I met Swil Kanim a member of the Lummi Nation.  He is a classically trained violinist, native storyteller and actor. He was born in Seattle, WA and grew up in the Bellingham, WA area. Separated from his parents and his tribe at a young age, he spent the remainder of his childhood in fostercare. Swil created the HonorCoin Project.

The HonorCoin is a physical representation of the spiritual impact which is created when the Honor of a person is recognized and acknowledged.  Shasta Cano-Martin, Lummi Tribal Council Member, gifted an honorcoin to me for "demonstration of honor--in telling this story through photographic images".

I feel greatly honored to have received this special coin from the Lummi Nation.  To all of my Lummi sisters and brothers, I say "thank you".  Thank you for what you represent and for the important lessons you share.

be strong, be safe, Carlan

Friday, May 2, 2014

China Express Exhibit Lummi Nation
Jay Julius,  Lummi tribal official.  "The salmon are our buffalo.  We are walking on the stones our ancestors walked on 3,500 years ago".  Cherry Point, proposed terminal location.
The China Express Exhibit will be at the Lummi Nation Gateway Center from Tuesday May 6 through Saturday May 10.  Please join us for a presentation and reception on Thursday May 8 at 6 P.M.  The exhibit will be open daily noon to 6:30 P.M. The Lummi Nation Gateway Center is located at 4920 Rural Ave. Ferndale, WA.   A big "Thank You" to the Lannan Foundation for funding the China Express traveling exhibit and lecture series. 

Lummi Reservation proposed terminal.  487 deep water freighters per year will carry coal to China from this location.
be strong, be safe, Carlan