Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Highway 550 Bloomfield, New Mexico:
Last week I was working in the Four Corners area. Heading home south on Highway 550 just outside of Bloomfield I looked to the west as the sun was slowly setting. Both coal power plants were visible on the horizon. The cooler winter air had created an inversion holding the emissions from the power plants creating multiple colored bands across the sky. No Photoshop or image adjustment here...just what was in the sky.

Today the EPA released some interesting figures for the year. Air emissions from the two coal power plants in the Four Corners released 340,066 pounds of material into the sky in the past twelve months. The emissions include: Selenium 4,279 pounds, Barium 1,801 pounds, Chromium 524 pounds, Sulfuric Acid 143,254 pounds, Hydrochloric Acid 64,941 pounds, Lead 661 pounds, Mercury 727 pounds, and Arsenic 77 pounds.

I just opened the dictionary and looked up Hydrochloric Acid: a clear, fuming, poisonous substance. I wonder which ones make the color?

be strong, be safe, Carlan

1 comment:

  1. Do you have a link to the site that you got the epa numbers ??
