On the road...
...to Harriman, TN, Crossville, TN, and Uniontown, AL(see map)to work on the coal stories. Storm moving through New Mexico made the roads interesting early in the morning. My usual first morning stop after leaving Santa Fe on this route is Tucumcari, NM. Interstate 40 has cut off this historic town on the old Route 66. Still an original diner in town...road food.
When you travel alone eating on the road is a quiet time to stop and take in the surroundings. Always interesting things to see. KIX on 66 is an original diner from the 50's. Feels good to sit in the old booth and put that gravy on the hash browns.
Not many customers at KIX today, but the people there are always friendly. Good food...good stop.
Out of the rain and snow and into the sun. Open road ahead. Into Texas. Largest cross in North America they claim...
interesting thought.."is bigger better?"..oh well...breaks up the horizon line and you can see it at 70 mph. Gas stop in Shamrock, TX. Part of the "historic" Route 66.
Gas stations and cafes have changed over the years. Couldn't get gas here had to drive down the street to the Chevron. Cafe has been replaced with a McDonalds. Quick stop...no time to linger..American "way of life". On into Oaklahoma.
Wind farm along the road. Sky is clear...big difference from being in the Four Corners last week and what the skies look like there. Beautiful...graceful...they sway in the wind with the trees.
More tomorrow. Stay tuned.
be strong, be safe, Carlan
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