Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
In a sixth grade classroom at Bokoshe Elementary School nine out of seventeen students suffer from chronic asthma. Eighty coal ash trucks a day rumble through town carrying loads of toxic coal ash to be dumped 1.5 miles from the Bokoshe Elementary School. Feeling their voices were unheard the six grade class wrote letters to the President sharing their concerns for their community.

Monday, December 6, 2010
Fearing for the health of their small eastern Oklahoma town, sixth grade students in Bokoshe are publicly speaking out against a toxic coal fly ash pit near their school.

Nine fifth and sixth grade students in a class of 17 at the Bokoshe school have asthma or other respiratory conditions.

be strong, be safe, Carlan
Saturday, November 13, 2010

be strong, be safe, Carlan
Saturday, October 30, 2010
We never know what message awaits us when we hear the ring of the telephone. Quite different from reading an email. Over the years that familiar ring has delivered many different types of messages and stories to me. Friday afternoons usually bring a different message then do Monday mornings. Yesterday afternoon (Friday) when my phone rang I received a message I have been waiting to hear for nearly six years now.

Little did I realize the ring of my telephone yesterday would be a ring for social justice. The court decision was released. The mining permits issued by the U. S. Office of Surface Mining had been done improperly over the years. The permits neglected to include consideration for the National Environmental Protection Act, clean water, ethnographic studies, and historic and cultural resources.

I spoke with Lucy on the phone shortly after I received the call. Her voice carried a very happy tone. We laughed together. Then she said, "almost a year to the day since Ambrose has passed, I know he is happy to hear the news." I told Lucy how proud I was of her for standing so very strong through these times. Persevering with purpose and passion. Believing and standing for social justice.
This Friday phone call had a very good ring to it.
be strong, be safe, Carlan
Friday, September 17, 2010
Update on my presentation with Tedx. The entire day will be live streamed on the internet. You can log on here to join the live web cast:
be strong, be safe, Carlan
Monday, September 13, 2010
I am honored to present the idea and stories of Question of Power at TEDx in Albuquerque on Saturday September 18. I will be sharing stories of the untold human costs of coal from Bokoshe, OK., Burnham, NM., Uniontown, AL., and Kingston, TN. The TED program is about "ideas worth spreading". If you have not visited their website please take a moment and do so. If you can be in Albuquerque on Saturday I will look forward to seeing you there.
be strong, be safe, Carlan
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010
There are many photographs of the Gulf Oil Spill circulating around the world. Last month when I was in Louisiana I had the opportunity to meet and spend time with individuals whose families have lived in the Gulf for over five generations. They shared with me their concerns, fears, frustrations, and stories.

I will be returning to the Gulf in a few weeks. Stay tuned in.
be strong, be safe, Carlan
Thursday, July 1, 2010
A few miles north of Venice, Louisiana on Highway 23 I spotted a sign stating..."Only remaining Plantation in the Mississippi Delta". A short drive off the highway lead me to Woodland Plantation.

be strong, be safe, Carlan
Monday, June 21, 2010
Today is Summer Solstice 2010, the first day of summer. According to Wikipedia, Summer Solstice, or the "first day of summer," is "when the Earth's axial tilt is most inclined towards the sun at its maximum of 23° 26'." It's the longest day of the year, with the shortest night.

In Chaco Canyon, over one thousand years ago, there arose among the Pueblo People a great and culturally sophisticated civilization. On Fajada Butte the Chacoans created a site to record the importance of the solar cycles.
On the south side of Chaco Canyon a large kiva, Casa Rinconada, was constructed with a window which allows the light of the Summer Solstice Sun to pass through. At the exact moment the sun breaks the horizon on June 21st, its light is cast through the window upon the wall marking the seasonal change.
The Zuni are direct decedents of the People of Chaco. On the Summer Solstice the Zuni return to Chaco Canyon to bring life back into the canyon through their dances, songs, and ceremonies.
The Zuni beliefs are centered on Mother Earth, Sun Father, and Moonlight-Giving Mother. The Zuni words for daylight and life are the same word. The Sun is, therefore, seen as the giver of life. The beginning of the new season is the time to think of life. To see where we have come from. To see if our directions and intentions are correct and in harmony with Mother Earth. Many lessons have been left for us in Chaco Canyon by our ancestors. Summer Solstice...a new season...a time for clear vision...giver of life...a time to decide where we need to go from here...
be strong, be safe, Carlan
Friday, June 4, 2010

be strong, be safe, Carlan
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Working in the Gulf of Louisiana the past several days I began to notice "signs" of the oil spill. Different signs of course hold different meanings.

Signs of the times in the Gulf.
be strong, be safe, Carlan
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Day thirty-eight since the Gulf Oil Spill. Oil continues to fill the Gulf waters. BP working on a "Top Kill". Oil has come ashore on over 100 miles of the Louisiana coastline. In some areas booms have been placed in an effort to stop the crude oil from coming ashore and into the delicate Gulf marshes. In most cases the booms have had little effect in stopping the oil.
At Grand Isle the oil has come ashore along a five mile long beach. Wet land marshes, some boomed, others not boomed are being covered in crude oil.

be strong, be safe, Carlan
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Elizabeth Avedon writes an excellent photography blog. She contacted me last week regarding posting some of the Question of Power photographs on her blog. Here is the post: Elizabeth Avedon. Thank you very much Elizabeth.
The past month has been busy. Traveled to Bradley University, Il. and Plattsburg State University, NY. I had the opportunity and honor to meet many wonderful students, faculty, and individuals from the surrounding communities. My heart felt thanks goes out to everyone for your thoughtful support of the coal stories I add voice to.
The Question of Power web site has been completely updated. The photo/audio essays are posted here.
Will be on the road again soon.
be strong, be safe, Carlan
Thursday, March 4, 2010
I had been working for over two weeks in Tennessee and Alabama. Now I was headed home. Called to let Nancy know when I would arrive. Mentioned my route I40 through Memphis. Memphis...Graceland...on the bucket list. We both had the same thought at the same time. Nancy flew into Birmingham. I picked her up at the airport late in the evening. We headed to Graceland in a blinding rain.
I always enjoyed the music Elvis created. Nancy knew...every song...every word.
At Graceland I began to understand who Elvis really was. Singer, actor, humanitarian. He donated over 50% of his income to humanitarian causes. Take a walk through Graceland. Listen to the thoughts Elvis shares in "Walk a Mile in My Shoes".
For a larger version of the photo/audio story click (Here)
Thank you Elvis. Thank you for your music, your words, and your generous spirit to all our brothers and sisters. TCB...
be strong, be safe, Carlan
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Photographer Carlan Tapp's images tell story of power - Peoria, IL -
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Arrowhead Landfill located in Uniontown, Al was selected as the dump site for the TVA coal ash being dredged from the Emory River in Kingston, TN. Eighty-eight railcars of coal ash are arriving in Uniontown seven days a week. Over the next twelve months over 3 million tons of coal ash will be deposited in Uniontown.
Many residents live in extremely close proximity to the Arrowhead Landfill. Public meetings to inform the citizens have been limited. The residents are concerned how the coal ash is being handled in their community and what hazards may be present now and in the future.
I returned to Uniontown this past week. I had first visited the area last August. Changes have occurred. I spoke with several local residents wanting to voice their concerns. One of them is Ruby Homes. The audio at the beginning of her story was recorded as I opened her front door and stood on her porch facing the landfill.
For a larger version of the photo/audio story click (here).
be strong, be safe, Carlan
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Bradley University, Peoria, Il.
Heuser Gallery
Lecture: February 18, 5:00 – 6:00 in the Horowitz Auditorium
Reception: February 18, 6:00 – 7:30pm in the Heuser Art Center
An exhibition by the photographer, Carlan Tapp opens in the Heuser Gallery this week. Tapp is the 2010 Bunn Lecturer in Photography. He uses the medium’s documentary qualities to bring light to the devastation caused by coal mining and coal-burning power plants in the Southwestern United States. Tapp will present a public lecture on February 18 at 5 PM on the Question of Power.
Friday, January 29, 2010
In May 2009 the EPA returned to Kingston with a government order covering the requirements for the TVA coal ash spill clean up. The site is described as "the largest disaster of its kind in the history of the U.S." It is also classified as a "Super Fund Site".
As I mentioned in my last post, the first phase of clean up is to remove over 3 million cubic yards of coal ash from the Emory River. Approximately 500 individuals are on site 12 hours a day to accomplish the daunting task. Several large dredgers are used in the Emory River to pump the coal ash out of the river.
Currently coal ash remains an "unclassified" material by the EPA. The procedures I observed at the spill/cleanup site to prevent potential migration of ash showed great concern for potential problems. When exiting the work site boots are scrubbed and all vehicles are required to pass through a three phase wash/cleaning process. All wash water from the cleaning is recycled and filtered before release.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Dec. 22, 2008, spill at TVA's Kingston Fossil Plant dumped 5.4 million cubic yards of coal ash into the Emory River, Swan Pond Creek and surrounding community.

Steve McCracken, who has managed three extensive environmental recovery and remediation projects for the Department of Energy, joined TVA as general manager of the Kingston Ash Recovery Project this past September.
At a community meeting in Kingston on Tuesday night McCracken released initial plans for public review, covering phase two and three of the coal ash clean up.
Alternative 1: Excavate ash from the embayment, close the dredge cells of the failed holding pond and ship 2.8 million cubic yards of coal ash offsite for permanent storage - $439.6 million to $455.3 million.
Alternative 2 - Excavate ash from the embayment and portions of the dredge cells, and ship 6.8 million cubic yards of coal ash offsite for permanent storage - $719.3 million to $741.1 million.
Alternative 3 - Excavate ash from the embayment and dispose of the 2.4 million cubic yards of coal ash in rebuilt dredge cells that would be capped and closed - $268.2 million to $315.5 million.
At the end of the meeting during a public Q & A, McCracken was asked what the situation would be for disposing of coal ash "if" the EPA classified it as hazardous material in the near future. McCracken stated, "In the United States fossil fuel plants (coal burning power plants) create 170 million tons of coal ash per year. The United States does not have the facilities to handle the volume of material if coal ash would be classified as hazardous material."
be strong, be safe, Carlan
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
In Crossville, TN. the Cumberland County Commissioners approved an old coalmine at Smith Mountain, located a short distance from Kingston, TN., to be come a new site for the disposal of TVA coal ash.
Cumberland County residents thought they were going to take part of the wet coal ash from the Kingston 2008 ash spill. That would have ended in three years. Currently the wet coal ash being extracted from the Emory River at Kingston is being shipped via rail cars to a dump site in Uniontown, AL. The Smith Mountain site, if permits are approved, could become a site for new coal ash.
Seventeen county residents have joined to say the coal ash landfill will destroy their quality of life.
Dave Brundage has put his heart, soul, and life's savings into the Black Cat Lodge which is located near the proposed Smith Mountain Mine dump site. He invested $2 million of his own money to provide transitional living for individuals struggling with addiction and abuse. Brundage has created a dream location where seven people already put their lives back together. Here is Dave's story:
To see and hear Dave's story in a larger version (click here).
be strong, be safe, Carlan
Monday, January 25, 2010
On December 22, 2008 3.5 million cubic yards of coal ash spilled from a holding pond at the TVA Coal Power Plant in Kingston, TN. One of the areas directly impacted by the coal ash is called Swan Pond. Many of the photographs I made thirteen months ago are from this area. Today, I revisited a resident of the Swan Pond neighborhood. Tom Grissard and I spent the morning driving through this once lively neighborhood. Tom shared with me how his community and life has changed forever. Here is Tom's story:
To date, TVA has purchased over 170 homes in the Swan Pond area. Families have moved, homes filled with laughter are silent, a community changed. (for a larger version of the story click here)
be strong, be safe, Carlan
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Out of the rain and snow and into the sun. Open road ahead. Into Texas. Largest cross in North America they claim...

More tomorrow. Stay tuned.
be strong, be safe, Carlan