Riding the Mother Road between Grants and Gallup today. East of Prewitt up over a rise in the road the famous Swap Meet 66 came into view.

More chrome hubcaps from the 50's and 60's than you can imagine. Looked like no one had been at the swap meet for quite some time.

The Richardson Cash Pawn and Trading Post was established in Gallup in 1913 in the heart of Indian Country.

Met Bill Richardson who is now 94 and works everyday in the trading post.

Bill shared stories with me for a few minutes. Years ago Navajo would come to the trading post and trade woven rugs and silver jewelry for livestock, bags of flour and coffee. Money never changed hands. Today the trading and pawn maybe for tires or a battery for their truck. Sometimes money is needed for a child's education. Bill has traded with three generations of many families on the Navajo Nation.

After a few minutes he said...would you like to see some of the back rooms? Opening a door we stepped into a large room filled from floor to ceiling with over a thousand beautiful Navajo rugs. Another similar room contained nine hundred leather saddles...another with jewelry cover walls... a hundred years of history and trading. Another special day riding the Mother Road.
be strong, be safe, Carlan
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