Monday, June 11, 2012

Hovenweep, Hole N" the Rock, and a Doggie Rest Area:

What could they all have in common?  Answer: you can experience them all in the Grand Circle of the Southwest in one day.
Left Mesa Verde and headed to Hovenweep National Monument in Utah. The canyon and mesa country north of the San Juan River hold the mysteries of Hovenweep.  Round, square, and D-shaped towers grouped at canyon heads were constructed from 1230 - 1275 AD in an area called Cajon Mesa.
Boulder House was built under an overhanging rock within the canyon.  It was hot and very dry.  The records show corn was grown on the mesa tops along with beans and cotton.  Hard to picture it based on the conditions today.  Quite a different "feeling" and experience from Meas Verde.  A much more lonely feeling, rather then the "community" feeling of Mesa Verde.

The landscape is barren and dry.  Stopped at the Hatch Trading Post on Highway 262 leaving Hovenweep.  I am sure the older woman running
the trading post has been there as long as the adobe bricks.  BIG sign in the store...NO PICTURES ALLOWED.  Ok...tried to strike up a friendly conversation.  No luck...enough said.  Quickly got back on the bike.

I keep looking in my rear view mirrors since Mancos and seeing a white Prius.  What a familiar sight.  Happy to say...Nancy met me in Mancos and we have spent the last two days together...or rather in the mirrors.  It was really good to see her.  She will head back to Santa Fe on Wendesday.  Ah...clean clothes...she was so very sweet to bring me some.

Outside of Moab this morning we saw our first "Hole in the Rock".  Stunning, beautiful landscape.
And then the second "Hole in the rock".  But this "Hole N" the Rock" was was not carved by nature.  Albert Christensen carved a 5,000
square foot home out of the rock by removing 50,000 cubic feet of sandstone over a 12 year period.  Amazing what people will do.  Today it is a monument to the "classic Americana" road trip.
In addition to the "Hole N" the Wall" home there are several very interesting bits of "art".  I thought this was just a jeep with very big tires until I took a second look.  The entire jeep is a sculpture made of scrap nuts, bolts, pipe, and old license plates.  Art at it's best!  Another work in progress is a 40 foot cactus being constructed from old bowling balls!  
And last...but not the doggie rest area with "his and hers".

In Moab tonight.  Out to Arches National Monument tomorrow. A big Thank You to everyone for your emails on the blog.  Really enjoy hearing from you!

be strong, be safe, Carlan

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