Monday, July 22, 2019

The Mother Ship
At 3am this morning the annoying musical alarm interrupted my deep dreams.  Ever have a moment like this?  What day is it?  What am I suppose to be doing?  Ok...reality creeps in.  Need to get up.  This is not a dream.  Catching a flight today to visit the Mother Ship in Milwaukee.
Two flights and  seven hours later the dream becomes a reality.  Standing at the exact location where Harley-Davidson had it's humble beginnings.  It is the Mother Ship of the motorcycle world.  Met the team from HOG Magazine.  Incredible people.  Dedicated, sincere, brothers and sisters each one.  A classic Sportster stands proudly ready.  Strap on my bag, hit the switch, roll on the throttle, rumble of the pipes...nothing feels like a Harley.
Headed to St. Ingance, MI in the morning to ride US HWY 2, the Great Northern, west across this beautiful country of ours to the Pacific Ocean and Seattle.  Stay tuned.  This is what American is all about.

be strong, be safe, Talon

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